Saturday, January 13, 2007

If I only had a heart...

  • Boxer's Cheap Shot at SecState Rice that the liberals have a monopoly on misogyny, it looks like the GOP can hang up the whippin' belt...

  • Thursday, January 11, 2007

    Can Schumer save the Bills?

    And to think I voted for Howard Mills in 2004...

    Monday, January 08, 2007

    Does somebody have the case of the Mondays?

    So Drudge is reporting that the House (under new management, apparently) wasn't in session today, using the BCS game as an excuse. ( I'm leaving it up for the public to decide this matter...

    Why wasn't the House in session on 8 Jan 2007?
    Florida v. OSU BCS game
    So SOTH Pelosi could watch "The View"
    Hoyer wanted to sunbathe on The Mall during this heatwave free polls

    Saturday, January 06, 2007

    It's going to be a long two years with SOTH Pelosi...

    I've decided to save this picture for posterity.

    Credit goes to Drudge at Very often, he'll have less-than-flattering images of public figures, but this one is by far the best (I've been a fan of Drudge for a few years now), especially as it marks the occasion of Nancy Pelosi's installment as Speaker.

    Tuesday, January 02, 2007

    Gerald Ford's Passing

    Watching Sunday's podcast (video podcast, no less) of MTP, they had a review of the presidency of Gerald R. Ford. Arguably, he's the only POTUS since Eisenhower that one could never talk bad about without sounding like a soulless jerk. The Pardon was doubtless political suicide, but necessary for the country (something that wasn't acknowledged in the 1976 election--his opponents were too busy screwing up Congress to realize his foresight).