Wednesday, June 28, 2006

From the shores of Montezuma, to the Halls of Tripoli...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Hey hey hey, goodbye...

What did Churchill in?

Was it the Eichmann/9-11 comment? Calling the terrorist "combat teams" secular?

Naw, it was the hair...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

USA heading home

Well, the rossobiancoazzuri didn't make it to the Round of 16...I must admit, though, Ghana deserved to stay alive after winning against the Czech side and had the momentum heading into the last game.

However, who would take up the slack? Who will play role of English-speaking, British colony emeritus that couldn't careless about soccer yet somehow overachieves on the quadrennial world stage known as the World Cup?

Canadians? South Africans? New Zealanders?

The Australians!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Finally, a reason

Now I can explain to the world my recent lack of warming!!!

(global warming has scrambled the mating patterns of the opposite sex, thereby turning them off to hot young specimens, such as myself)

Do you the ABC producers will go for it?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Weekend America, FTW (for the win)

APM's Weekend America, flag burning was unanimously declared "low-brow" in its monthly "high-brow/middle-brow/low-brow" feature. Mind you, the flag burning amendment movement was also low-brow, but hearing someone on public radio say "I lived in the People's Republic of San Francisco...and people burning the American flag generally don't have anything interesting to say" made me cry with joy.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I <3 Meet the Press

I've had the chance to catch up on my podcasts, especially those of Meet the Press from the past month or so...

Props to Tim Russert for not giving Pelosi an easy time with her interview a couple weeks ago, reminding her that House Democrats put the "fun" in dysfunctional. He pretty much gave the GOP the only point they need to make when campaigning (should it choose to be negative)--Democratic Majority = Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I think I'm going to pass on the Ann Coulter book for the time being...heh I'm such a bratty little neocon, but I don't have the bankroll to match...